The AIA10 Podcast, Tracing Architecture, is a podcast series focused on architects in their first 10+ years of licensure and the issues, goals, and passions they experience and live.

Each episode is focused on a specific topic that is a core part of each young architect’s experience. The past episodes have taken on a multitude of formats, based on the specific topic of the episode but have been typically either interview-narrative based or a panel of architects discussing a central topic. The Tracing Architecture team has striven to release a minimum of eight engaging episodes each season, but as the endeavor gains a larger listener following and as support team schedules and funding allow, we are exploring producing more episodes per season.

Season Sponsor

/4 episodes
  • Hashtag “Sponsored By: ___” in instagram blast for (4) episodes
  • 6 sec Intro/Outro audio spot “Sponsored in part by ___” on (4) episodes
  • Featured post on instagram @tracingarchitecture sharing sponsorship
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Spotlight Season Sponsor

/8 episodes + 30 second commercial
  • Hashtag link “Sponsored By: ___” in instagram blast for (8) episodes
  • 6 sec Intro/Outro audio spot “Sponsored in part by ___” on (8) episodes
  • One extended 30 sec audio spot “Sponsored in part by ___” on (1) episode
  • Featured post on instagram @tracingarchitecture sharing sponsorship
  • Company logo included in (4) episode marketing posts
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Syndicated Season Sponsor

/8 episodes + 6 sec into/outro
  • Hashtag link “Sponsored By: ___” in instagram blast for (8) episodes
  • 6 sec Intro/Outro audio spot “Sponsored in part by ___” on (8) episodes
  • Featured post on instagram @tracingarchitecture sharing sponsorship
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Sound-Bite Sponsor

/Single Episode
  • Text link “Sponsored By: ___” in email blast for (1) episode
  • Hashtag link “Sponsored By: ___” in instagram blast for (1) episode
  • Audio spot “Sponsored By: ___” in (1) episode hosted on
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Episode Sponsor

/Single Espisode
  • Text link “Sponsored By: ___” in email blast for (1) episode
  • Hashtag link “Sponsored By: ___” in instagram blast for (1) episode
  • Audio spot of approximately 30 seconds in length including “Sponsored by ___” on (1) episode hosted on
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While AIA10 is the target audience, the themes of the podcast are intended to connect to a multitude of other groups within our industry and the design/construction community at large. Each episode release includes several marketing announcements; including an email announcement through the AIA Phoenix Metro to AIA Arizona members, a social media post @tracingarchitecture, and through additional platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook.


As of the second season (the fall of 2022), a total of (15) episodes currently have been produced and released with two forthcoming to a growing listening audience that includes over two and a half thousand, a predominant number of these listeners are listening in the United States, but the podcast has achieved a global reach across several industrialized countries.


Your sponsorship funding will be used to cover in-studio recording expenses, sound editing of the recording, related recording equipment rental fees for onsite locations, sound editing software used for post-production, and podcast and website hosting fees. Each episode’s financial requirements can vary based on topic, guests, and location. Currently, the budget per episode is approximately $1250 in costs, with a season of eight episodes totaling $10,000. With your additional funding, we will be allowed to improve the quality, and potentially quantity, of episodes to broaden our listening base and improve your marketing dollar.


As a benefit to you and your company, each sponsorship opportunity is marketed in a variety of ways that will allow the greatest reach and broadcast to our listening community.


Our reach will continue to grow over the life of the podcast, and the episodes are hosted online in perpetuity for continuous new listeners to discover.
